Club Activites

BirdLife Townsville Activities Calendar - 2025

 All Branch activities are organised for a maximum of 30 Participants and on the “first come” principle. Participants who wish to attend must RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity, at the latest.                                                

Participants must wear suitable clothing and enclosed shoes.   Sun screen and insect repellant recommended.
Car pooling is encouraged  but will be at the discretion of the driver.

Visitors welcome to all activities
For further information email:

In addition to our monthly activities Birdlife Townsville participates in the following programs

• “The Quest” – This is a Birdlife Townsville Members’ only competition and runs all year – The aim is to observe and record a different species of bird (within Queensland only) for each of the 365 days of the year. It is fun but competitive and relies on your integrity (honesty and the adherence to Birdlife Australia ethical birding practices). Remember to enjoy yourself and participate in our activities and get out and list as many birds as you can.                                                         For more details and a copy of the Rules,
contact:  Wal Threlfall 0429111055 or email

“Torresian Imperial Pigeon Watch and Count” – Cape York to Gladstone – All months of January, November and December — you choose venue, what days and number of days all from 4pm to 6pm — Your own personal count.                                                                         All details at:  http//
Contact: Julia Hazel(James Cook University) 0407431382 or

Birdlife Australia ” Birds in Backyards (BIBY)” Count – Your own personal backyard 20 minute count —
Four counts per year, You choose: Summer (Dec or Jan), Autumn (Mar or Apr),Winter (Jun or Jul), Spring (Sep or Oct). All details on the Birdlife Australia website. Participants must register at
and follow prompts. Contact: Wal Threlfall 0429111055

• Birdlife Australia “Aussie Bird Count (ABC)”-Your own personal backyard 20 minute count from
Monday 13 to Sunday 19 October. Count as often as you like. All details on the Birdlife Australia website.
Participants must register at: and follow the prompts.
Contact: Wal Threlfall 0429111055

• Black-throated Finch Recovery Team “BTF Count” – From Saturday 18 to Sunday 19 October. All details on the BTFRT website.  Participants must register at:
Contact: Wal Threlfall 0429111055

Australian Shorebird Monitoring Program (previously Shorebirds 2020) — Summer count window (1st November to 28th February – ideal date 15th January) however the survey date will be selected according to the tides — Winter count window (1st June to 31st July – ideal date 1st July) however the survey date will be selected according to the tides.                                                        Contact:  Wal Threlfall  0429111055


• “The Quest” – This is a Birdlife Townsville Members’ only competition and runs all year (January 1st to December 31st) – The aim is to observe and record a different species of bird (within Queensland only) for each of the 365 days of the year. It is fun, but competitive and relies on your integrity (honesty and the adherence to Birdlife Australia ethical birding practices). As this is our only fund raising activity for our Branch, we need as many members as possible to participate, so get out and list as many birds as you can. For a copy of the Rules go to our website:    Then go to the Governance page and scroll to “The Quest”.
To participate contact:  The Secretary on  0429111055 or email

Friday 3rd – Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access) -Meet 6.30am at the Alligator Creek Roadhouse, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea. This event is restricted to 3 vehicles and car pooling at Drivers discretion.                                            Leader: Norm Rains  0458788107
Sunday 5th – Town Common Conservation Park Survey – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common main gate, Rowes Bay.                Leader: Janet Robino  0424226504
Tuesday 7th – Photography Group Meeting – Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell), Kirwan – for more details see Photography Group page. Leader Mark Horvath  0409332633
Saturday 11th – Monthly Meeting – 1pm Committee Meeting and 2pm General Meeting – Please advise attendance for catering purposes – Venue: TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell) adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via Hinchinbrook Drive).  Guest Speaker: Committee           Contact the Secretary at:
Wednesday 15th – Ross River Bush Garden Survey – Meet 6.30am at the end of Thompson St, Mundingburra.                              Leader:  Beth Snewin  0404759718
Saturday 18th-Latham’s Snipe Count ( National Program) – various sites (Tyto Wetlands, Masters Road/Orient Road Wetlands, Mingela Dam, Town Common Conservation Park, Wongaloo Conservation Park, Fairfield Waters Lagoon, Ross Dam Wetlands)- meet 6.30am at your designated site – Counters required.                                                                                                                             For more details contact Leader: Annette Sibson  0413127217
Sunday 19th – Ross River Dam Survey (restricted access) – Meet 6.30am at the Townsville Graded Sands (TGS) access road main gate, at the end of Riverway Drive, Pinnacles.  Leader:  Mark Horvath  0409332633
Tuesday 21st – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055
Sunday 26th –  Bowling Green Bay NP, Alligator Creek Section Outing-   Meet 6.30am at the Alligato Creek car park, Alligator Creek Bring morning tea.   Leader: Norm Rains  0458788107

February 2025 -- In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

“The Quest” This is a Birdlife Townsville Members’ only competition and runs all year (January 1st to December 31st) – The aim is to observe and record a different species of bird (within Queensland only) for each of the 365 days of the year. It is fun, but competitive and relies on your integrity (honesty and the adherence to Birdlife Australia ethical birding practices). As this is our only fund raising activity for our Branch, we need as many members as possible to participate, so get out and list as many birds as you can. For a copy of the Rules go to our website:    Then go to the Governance page and scroll to “The Quest”.
To participate contact:  The Secretary on  0429111055 or email

Sunday 2nd – Town Common Conservation Park Survey – CANCELLED due to extreme weather conditions  Meet 6.30am at the Town Common main gate,Rowes Bay. Leader: Janet Robino  0424226504

 Tuesday 4th -Photography Group  Meeting CANCELLED due to forecast weather conditions. Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell),
Kirwan.  — for more details see Photography Group page.                                  Leader: Mark Horvath 0409332633

Friday 7th – Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access)-CANCELLED due to extreme weather conditions –  Meet 6.30am at the Alligator Creek Roadhouse, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea. This event is restricted to 3 vehicles and car pooling at the drivers discretion.              Leader: Norm Rains 0458788107

Saturday 8th–  Monthly Meeting- 1pm Committee Meeting and 2pm Annual General Meeting.
CANCELLED due to damage to the structure. AGM postponed until March 2025.
(Nomination Forms and Proxy Voting Forms available from the Returning Officer) – Please advise attendance for catering purposes – Venue: TCC Bicentennial Building (Sound Shell), adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via Hinchinbrook Drive).  Guest speaker:  Wal Threlfall  “The Year in Review”     Contact: Secretary/Returning Officer  Wal Threlfall  0429111055 

Monday 10th – Australian Shorebird Monitoring Program – Lucinda Beach Survey (8.20am high tide 3.66m) – CANCELLED due to extreme weather conditionsMeet 6.30 am at the Reading Cinema car park. Bring morning tea and lunch.   Leader:  Annette Sibson  0413127217

Sunday 16th – Ross River Dam Survey (restricted access)  – Meet 6.30am at the Townsville Graded Sands (TGS) access road main gate, at the end of Riverway Drive, Pinnacles.
Leader: Mark Horvath 0409332633

Monday 17th  – Australian Shorebird Monitoring Program – Bushland Beach Survey – Meet 6.30 am at the Rumbala Court,  park, Bushland Beach. Bring morning tea.     Leader:  John Lowry  0456242501

Tuesday 18th – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Tuesday 25th  – Australian Shorebird Monitoring Program – Lucinda Beach Survey (7.49 am high tide 3.42m)– CANCELLED due to the Ollera Creek bridge having collapsed and been washed away–Meet 6.30 am at the Reading Cinema car park. Bring morning tea and lunch.   Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

TBA – Australian Shorebird Monitoring Program – Cungulla Beach Survey – Meet 6.30am at the Annandale Central Shopping Centre undercover car park, Annandale. Bring morning tea.     Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

March 2025 -- In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

Sunday 2nd – Town Common Conservation Park Survey  – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common main gate,
Rowes Bay.       Leader: Janet Robino  0424226504

Tuesday 4th – Photography Group  Meeting – Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell), Kirwan — for more details see Photography Group page.       Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

Friday 7th – Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (resticted access)  Meet 6.30am at the Alligator Creek Roadhouse, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea. This event is restricted to 3 vehicles and car pooling at the drivers discretion. Leader: Norm Rains  0458788107

Saturday 8th– Monthly Meeting – 1pm Committee Meeting and 2pm Annual General Meeting (Nomination Forms and Proxy Voting Forms available from the Returning Officer) – Please advise attendance for catering purposes Venue: TCC Bicentennial Building  (Sound Shell)adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via Hinchinbrook Drive). Guest Speaker: TBA                                    Contact: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Wednesday 12th – Ross River Bush Garden Survey – Meet 6.30am at end of Thompson St, Mundingburra.
Leader: Wendy Kaus  0432047518

Sunday 16th – Ross River Dam Survey (restricted access) – Meet 6.30am at the Townsville Graded Sands (TGS) access road main gate, at the end of Riverway Drive, Pinnacles..
Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

Tuesday 18th – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Sunday 23rd – Paluma Outing– Meet 6.30am at the Reading Cinema car park, Thuringowa Central. We will have morning tea at the IVY COTTAGE (at own expense). Bring your lunch as we will have it at GRANDIS FOREST.     Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

April 2025 -- In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

Tuesday 1st – Photography Group  Meeting – Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell),
Kirwan – For more detail see Photography Group page.  Leader: Mark Horvath   0409332633  

Friday 4th – Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access) — Meet 6.30am at the Alligator Creek  Roadhouse, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea. This event is restricted to 3 vehicles and car pooling at the drivers discretion.  Leader: Norm Rains 0458788107

Sunday 6th – Town Common Conservation Park Survey  – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common main gate,Rowes Bay.                          Leader: Janet Robino   0424226504 

Friday 11th – Birder’s Breakfast & Outing – Heritage Tea Rooms, Hervey Range– Meet 6.30am at the Reading Cinema car park — Arrive 7am at the Tea rooms and commence birding — 9am Breakfast (at own cost) at the Tea Rooms. Return to Townsville.        Leader: Wal Threlfall 0429111055

 Saturday 12th – Monthly Meeting – 1pm Committee Meeting and 2pm General Meeting – Please advise attendance for catering purposesVenue: TCC Bicentennial Building  (Sound Shell)adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via Hinchinbrook Drive). Guest Speaker: Members “Short Presentations”—       Contact: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

 Tuesday 15th – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Sunday 20th – Ross River Dam Survey (restricted access) – Meet 6.30am at the Townsville Graded Sands (TGS) access road main gate, at the end of Riverway Drive, Pinnacles.                          Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633



May 2025 -- In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

Friday 2nd –  Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access)   Meet 7am at the Alligator Creek Roadhouse, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea.   This event is restricted to 3 vehicles and car pooling at the drivers discretion.                                    Contact the Leader: Norm Rains 0458788107

Sunday 4th – Town Common Conservation Park Survey – Meet 7am at the Town Common main gate,Rowes Bay.                         Contact the Leader: Janet Robino  0424226504

Tuesday 6th –  Photography Group Meeting  – Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell),
Kirwan – For more detail see Photography Group Page.  Contact the Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

Saturday 10th – Monthly Meeting – 1pm Committee Meeting  and 2pm General Meeting – Please advise attendance for catering purposesVenue: TCC Bicentennial Building (Sound Shell) adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via Hinchinbrook Drive). Guest Speaker: TBA                 Contact: Wal Threlfall  0429111055 

Wednesday 14th – Ross River Bush Garden Survey – Meet 7am at end of Thompson St, Mundingburra.  
Contact the Leader:  Wendy Kaus  0432047518

Sunday 18th – Ross River Dam Survey (restricted access) – Meet 7.00am at the Townsville Graded Sands (TGS) access road main gate, at the end of Riverway Drive, Pinnacles.             
Contact the Leader: Mark Horvath 0409332633

Tuesday 20th – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Friday 30th – Mingela / Clare Outing – Meet 6.30am at the Annandale Central Shopping Centre, Coles undercover car park, Annandale. This is an all day Outing. Bring morning tea and lunch. Car pooling at the drivers discretion.                                            Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

TBA – National Shorebird Monitoring Program – Bushland Beach Winter Survey–  – Meet 7am at the Rumbulu Court Park, Bushland Beach. Bring morning tea.  Contact the Leader: John Lowry  0456242501

June 2025 - In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

Sunday 1st – Town Common Conservation Park Survey – Meet 7am at the Town Common main gate, Rowes Bay.                         Contact the Leader: Janet Robino  0424226504

Tuesday 3rd – Photography Group Meeting – Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell), Kirwan – for more details see Photography Group Page.  Contact the Leader: Mark Horvath 0409332633

Friday 6th –  Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access) – Meet 7am at the Alligator Creek Roadhouse, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea.  This event is restricted to 3 vehicles and car pooling at the drivers discretion.                                    Contact the Leader: Norm Rains   0458788107

Saturday 14th – Monthly Meeting – 1pm Committee Meeting  and 2pm General Meeting – Please advise attendance for catering purposes – Venue: TCC Bicentennial Building (Sound Shell) adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via Hinchinbrook Drive). Guest speaker: TBA
Contact: The Secretary at:

Sunday 15th – Ross River Dam Survey (restricted access) – Meet 7.00am at theTownsville Graded Sands (TGS) access road main gate, at the end of Riverway Drive,Pinnacles.
Contact the Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

Saturday 21st – Town Common Conservation Park – Night Spotlighting – Outing – Meet 6.15pm inside the main gate. Bring spotlight/torch, camera, binoculars. Restricted to four vehicles maximum and car pooling at the drivers discretion. 
 Contact the Leader Wal Threlfall  0429111055 or Email:  

Tuesday 24th – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Friday 27th – Town Common Conservation Park – Night Spotlighting – Outing – Meet 6.15pm inside the main gate. Bring spotlight/torch, camera, binoculars. Restricted to four vehicles maximum and car pooling at the drivers discretion. 
 Contact the Leader Wal Threlfall  0429111055 or Email:

July 2025 - In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

Tuesday 1st – Photography Group Meeting – Meet 7 pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell), Kirwan – for more details see Photography Group Page.   Contact the Leader: Mark Horvath   0409332633

Friday 4th – Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access) – Meet 7am at the Alligator
Creek Roadhouse, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea.  This event is restricted to 3  vehicles and car pooling at the drivers discretion.  Contact the Leader: Norm Rains 0458788107 

Friday 4th, Saturday 5th, Sunday 6th – Paluma Citizen Science Campout – “Southern extent of Cassowary” and “Birds with Altitude” Programs – Join researchers, locals, Birdlife Townsville and Bushwalkers to help contribute to our knowledge of the endangered Cassowary at the southern extent of it’s global distribution and of high altitude birds vulnerable to the affect of climate change in the Paluma Range NP. –Participants must be self sufficient – Camping at Lake Paluma (Magar Yamba group camping area or self – arranged B&B accommodation at Paluma Village – Friday 1st at 1pm Lake Paluma campsite open, 5pm Paluma Community Centre Welcome to Country – Catered Dinner (by donation) – 7pm Presentation and Organise survey teams. Saturday 5th Survey designated routes. Sunday 6th Survey designated routes, Camping/Checkout is optional. Participants must register here     For further details contact Leader:  Wren Mclean at 0437643008 – 

Sunday 6th – Town Common Conservation Park Survey  – Meet 7am at the Town Common main gate, Rowes Bay                            Contact the Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

Saturday 12th –  Monthly Meeting – 1pm Committee Meeting and 2pm General Meeting (Christmas in July) – So come along and have some fun celebrating Christmas in July — Please advise attendance for catering purposes.
Venue:  TCC Bicentennial Building ( Sound Shell) adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via the Eastbrooke car park, Hinchinbrook Drive).  Guest Speaker: Nina Doyle – “Christmas in July – Trivia” — Prizes to be won                                                                     Contact the Secretary at: contact@bird

Tuesday 15th – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Wednesday 16th – Ross River Bush Garden Survey – Meet 7am at end of Thompson St, Mundingburra.                                                   Contact the Leader: Wendy Kaus  0432047518

Sunday 20th – Ross River Dam Survey (restricted access) –  Meet 7.00am at theTownsville Graded Sands (TGS) access road main gate, at the end of Riverway Drive,Pinnacles.    Contact the Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

TBA –  National Shorebird Monitoring Program – Cungulla Beach Winter Survey – Meet 7am at the Annandale Central Shopping Centre, Cole’s undercover car park, Annandale. Bring morning tea.  Contact the Leader:  Wal Threlfall  0429111055

August 2025 - In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

Friday 1st – Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access) – Meet 7am at the Alligator
Creek Roadhouse, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea. This event is restricted to 3 vehicles and car pooling at the drivers discretion.       Contact the Leader: Norm Rains  0458788107

Sunday 3rd – Town Common Conservation Park Survey – Meet 7am at the Town Common main gate.
Contact the Leader: Janet Robino  0424226504

Tuesday 5th – Photography Group  Meeting – Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell),
Kirwan- for more details see Photography Group Page.  Contact the Leader: Mark Horvath   0409332633

Saturday 9th – Monthly Meeting – 1pm Committee Meeting  and 2pm General Meeting – Please advise attendance for catering purposes – Held in the TCC Bicentennial Building (Sound Shell) adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via Hinchinbrook Drive). Guest Speaker: TBA                                     Contact the Secretary at:

Sunday 17th – Ross River Dam Survey (resticted access) – Meet 7.00am at theTownsville Graded Sands (TGS) access road main gate, at the end of Riverway Drive,Pinnacles.   Contact the Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

Tuesday 19th – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Friday 22nd – Herrvey Range Heritage Tea Rooms Outing and Birders Breakfast(at own expense) – Meet 7am Readings Cinema car park. Contact the Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

September 2025 ----- In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

Tuesday 2nd – Photography Group  Meeting  – Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (soundshell),
Kirwan – for more details see Photography Group Page.Contact Leader: Mark Horvath   0409332633

 Friday 5th – Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access) Meet 6.30am at the the Alligator Creek Roadhouse, Alligator Creek . Bring morning tea. This event is restricted to 3 vehicles and car pooling at the drivers discretion.                                  Contact Leader: Norm Rains 0458788107

Sunday 7th – Town Common Conservation Park Survey – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common main gate.  Contact Leader: Janet Robino  0424226504

TBA – Latham’s Snipe Count (National Program) – Various sites (Mingela Dam, Town Common, Ross Dam Wetlands, Tyto Wetlands, Masters Road/Orient Road) – 6.30am start at your designated location. For more details contact Leader: Annette Sibson  0413127217

Saturday 13th – Monthly Meeting – 1pm Committee Meeting and 2pm General Meeting  – Please advise attendance for catering purposes– Held in the TCC Bicentennial Building (Sound Shell) adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via Hinchinbrook Drive). Guest Speaker: TBA                    Contact the Secretary at:

Tuesday 16th – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Wednesday 17th – Ross River Bush Garden Survey – Meet 6.30am at the end of Thompson St. Mundingburra.                              Contact Leader: Wendy Kause  0432047518

Sunday 21st – Ross River Dam Survey (restricted access) – Meet 6.30am at the Townsville Graded Sands (TGS) access road main gate, at the end of Riverway Drive, Pinnacles.
 Contact Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

Friday 26th – Paluma Outing and Birders Morning Tea-Meet 6.30am at the Reading Cinema car park, Thuringowa Central. Morning Tea (at own expense) will be at “Ivy Cottage Cafe” Mt Spec Road, Paluma. Remember bring your lunch which we will have at Grandis.     Contact Leader:  Wal Threlfall  0429111055 


October 2025 ----- In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

BirdLife Townsville –  “Bird Month” – Community Activity.  Bird displays at the TCC Flinders Street, Aitkenvale and Thuringowa Libraries. Members are needed to volunteer to setup the display at 9am Tuesday 1st October and takedown the display at 9am Thursday 31st October. Rosters will be forwarded to Members. For  all details contact the Contact Leader: Janet Robino 0424226504   

  Friday 3rd – Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access) – Meet 6.30am at the Alligator Creek Roadhouse, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea. This event is restricted to 3 vehicles and car pooling at the drivers discretion.                                   Contact Leader:  Norm Rains  0458788107

Sunday 5th – Town Common Conservation Park Survey – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common main gate.
Contact Leader: Janet Robino  0424226504

Tuesday 7th – Photography Group  Meeting – Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell),
Kirwan – for more details see Photography Group Page.  Contact Leader: Mark Horvath 0409332633

Saturday 11th – Monthly Meeting –  1pm Committee Meeting  and 2 pm General Meeting – Please advise attendance for catering purposes   Held in theTCC Bicentennial Building (Sound Shell) adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via Hinchinbrook Drive.  Guest Speaker: Claire Willard “The Black-throated Finch Count”               Contact the Secretary at:

Monday 13th  to Sunday 19th – Birdlife Australia ” Aussie Bird Count”(ABC) – This is a fun event and only requires Members to complete a 20 minute survey. All details on the Birdlife Australia website – Participants must register at:  or Contact: Wal Threlfall 0429111055

Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th – Black Throated Finch Recovery Team (BTFRT) “Annual Black-throated Finch Count” – All details on the BTF website. Participants must register at: or contact  Contact Leader:  Alma Ridep-Morris  0407950501

Sunday 19th – Ross River Dam Survey (restricted access)  –   Meet 6.30am at the Townsville Graded sands (TGS) access road main gate, at the end of Riverway Drive, Pinnacles.
Contact Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

Tuesday 21st – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

November 2025 ------ In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

Torresian Imperial Pigeon Watch and Count – Cape York to Gladstone –  All month, you choose venue,
what days and number of days all from 4pm to 6pm. Members this is another important survey and only
requires a committment of 2 hours. Your own personal count.
All details at:   http// 
Contact: Julia Hazel (James Cook University) 0407431382 or

Friday 7th – Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access)- Meet 6.30am at the Alligator
Creek Roadhouse, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea. This event is restricted to 3 vehicles and car pooling at the drivers discretion.   Contact Leader: Norm Rains 0458788107

Saturday 1st – Ross Dam Black-throated Finch count via Woodstock area and Old Flinders Highway (Birdlife Townsville/Townsville City Council project)  — Meet 5am Stuart Hotel car park, Wulguru (carpooling arrangements, safety briefing and sign on), Bring water, hat, chair, sunscreen, snack, wear suitable clothing and enclosed shoes/boots. Surveys will commence at 6am and finish 9am.          Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall 0429111055

Sunday 2nd – Ross Dam Black-throated Finch count via Woodstock area and Old Flinders Highway (Birdlife Townsville/Townsville City Council project)  — Meet 5am Stuart Hotel car park, Wulguru (carpooling arrangements, safety briefing and sign on), Bring water, hat, chair, sunscreen, snack, wear suitable clothing and enclosed shoes/boots. Surveys will commence at 6am and finish 9am.         Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall 0429111055

Sunday 2nd – Town Common Conservation Park Survey – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common main gate. 
Contact Leader: Janet Robino  0424226504

Tuesday 4th – Photography Group  Meeting – Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building(Soundshell),
Kirwan – for more details see Photography Group Page.  Contact Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

Saturday 8th – Monthly Meeting – 1pm Committee Meeting and 2pm General Meeting – Please advise attendance for catering purposes – Held in theTCC Bicentennial Building (Sound Shell) adjacent to the Eastbrooke Health Hub, Kirwan (access via Hinchinbrook Drive).Guest Speaker: Annette Sibson ” Bird Trivia”                     Contact the Secretary at:

Wednesday 12th – Ross River Bush Garden Survey  – Meet 6.30am at end of Thompson St, Mundingburra
Contact Leader: Wendy Kaus  0432047518

TBA– Latham’s Snipe Count (National Program) – Various sites ( Mingela Dam, Town Common,Ross Dam Wetlands, Tyto Wetlands, Masters Road/Orient Road) – 6.30am start at your designated location.  For more details contact  Leader: Annette Sibson  0413127217

Sunday 16th – Ross River Dam Survey (restricted access) – Meet 6.30am at the Townsville Graded Sands (TGS) access gate, at the end of Riverway Drive, Kelso. Contact Leader: Mark Horvath  0409332633

Tuesday 18th – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

December 2025 ----- In the event of severe weather or unforeseen circumstances, activities may be cancelled at short notice. Participants please ensure you confirm and RSVP the appropriate Leader the day prior to the activity.

Torresian Imperial Pigeon Watch and Count – Cape York to Gladstone – All month, you choose venue,
what days and number of days all from 4pm to 6pm. Members this is another important survey and only
requires a committment of 2hrs. Your own personal count.
All details at:  http// Contact: Julia Hazel (James Cook University) 0407431382  or Email:

Tuesday 2nd – Photography Group – Meet 7pm at the TCC Bicentennial Building (Soundshell), Kirwan – for more details see Photography Group Page.   Contact Leader:  Mark Horvath  0409332633

Friday 5th – Wongaloo Conservation Park Survey (restricted access) –  Meet 6.30am at the Alligator Creek Roadhouse car park, Alligator Creek. Bring morning tea. This event is restricted to 3 vehicle and car pooling at the drivers discretion.                      Contact Leader: Norm Rains  0458788107 

Sunday 7th – Town Common Conservation Park Survey – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common main gate.
Contact Leader: Janet Robino  0424226504

Saturday 13th – Birdlife Townsville “Christmas Lunch Get Together” (at own expense) TBA Meet 12 noon at the TBA                RSVP  Contact: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Tuesday 16th – Town Common Survey (Birdlife Townsville & NQ Dry Tropics Project) – Four 2 hectare x 20 minute designated survey points (Freshwater Hide, Jacana Hide, Bald Rock Freshwater Bund Wall & Tegoora Rock Freshwater Bund Wall) – Meet 6.30am at the Town Common Main Gate — travel to designated survey point and commence surveys at 7am. We need 8 volunteers — if you can help. Contact Leader: Wal Threlfall  0429111055

Birdlife Townsville wishes all members a happy and safe 2025 Festive Season